We also moved the computer to a disabled computers OU and updated the computer description to indicate when it would be safe to delete the computer account.
We had been using a VB script to disable accounts, but it was unreliable. It never seemed to take care of every computer on the list, and I would have to manually disable these computer accounts that it missed.
This script also was fairly large and complex. Enter PowerShell! The script below was modified slightly from a script I found in the comments of this article. The script performs the following actions:
- Reads in a list of computers (c:\Scripts\ADCleaner\computers.txt) to be disabled.
- Updates the computer description to "ITSS - Delete on xx/xx/xxxx". The date it sets is 90 days from the current date.
- Disables the account
- Moves the account to the Disabled - PC & User folder in AD
- Logs the action (c:\Scripts\ADCleaner\computers.log)
This should only require minimal modification to work in your environment. Download script below.
$Today = Get-Date $Desc = "ITSS - Delete on: " + $Today.AddDays(90) $Computers = Get-Content c:\Scripts\ADCleaner\computers.txt ForEach ($Computer in $Computers) { $ADComputer = $null $ADComputer = Get-ADComputer $Computer -Properties Description If ($ADComputer) { Add-Content c:\Scripts\ADCleaner\computers.log -Value "$Today - Found $Computer, disabled and moved to Disabled - PC & User OU" Set-ADComputer $ADComputer -Description $Desc -Enabled $false Move-ADObject $ADcomputer -targetpath "ou=Disabled - PC & User,dc=csuchico,dc=edu" } Else { Add-Content c:\Scripts\ADCleaner\computers.log -Value "$Today - $Computer not in Active Directory" } }
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